Corazón Azul

a film by Miguel Coyula

Cuba | SciFi | HD | Color | 104 min | 2021


In an alternate reality, Fidel Castro uses genetic engineering to build the new man and thus save utopia. The experiment fails as these beings are highly intelligent but also cruel and uncontrollable. Rejected by their own creators, a group organizes a series of terrorist actions, and chaos reigns on the island. Elena, one of its members traces the origin of her genes and begins a journey to try to discover her humanity.

Plot keywords

Cuba | revolution | ideology | literature | memory | dystopia | biopunk | techno-politics | body horror | genetic manipulation | experimental

Crew & Cast

Original title: Corazón Azul
International title: Blue Heart
Original language: Spanish & English
Written & directed by: Miguel Coyula
Produced by: Miguel Coyula & Lynn Cruz
Cinematography: Miguel Coyula
Editing: Miguel Coyula
Original music: Dika Chartoff, “Porno Para Ricardo”, Ivan Lejardi, Sinfonity
Costume Design: Lynn Cruz
Production company: Producciones Pirámide (Cuba)

CAST: Lynn Cruz (Elena), Carlos Gronlier (David), Hector Noás (Tomás), Mariana Alom (Diana), Fernando Pérez (Fernando), Aramis Delgado (Roalndo Chile), Eric Morales (Kolran), Gabriela Ramos (Sofía), Jeff Pucillo (Nicholas Fredersen), Félix Beaton (Agent), Eduardo Martínez (Osvaldo) y Camila Carballo (Korlan’s sister)

Festivals & Awards

  • Jury’s Special Mention. Latino & Iberian Film Festival at Yale, USA 2022
  • Diploma for the Audacity of the Idea. Minsk International Film Festival LISTAPAD. Bielorusia 2021
  • Jorge Cámara Award by the HFPA (Hollywood Foreign Press Association). Guadalajara International Film Festival 2021
  • World Premiere. Official Selection. 43 Moscow International Film Festival. 2021
  • Market Premiere. Pre-Cannes Screenings 2021

See all film fests in which this film has participated


En una realidad alternativa, Fidel Castro utiliza la ingeniería genética para construir el hombre nuevo y asi salvar la utopia . El experimento fracasa. Los individuos son rechazados por sus propios creadores y organizan una serie de acciones terroristas. Elena, uno de sus miembros, rastrea el origen de sus genes, e intenta descubrir su humanidad.

Ficha técnica

Título Original: Corazón Azul
Título Internacional: Blue Heart
Idioma original: Español e inglés
Escrita y dirigida por: Miguel Coyula
Producida por: Miguel Coyula & Lynn Cruz
Dirección de Fotografía: Miguel Coyula
Edición: Miguel Coyula
Música original: Dika Chartoff, “Porno Para Ricardo”, Ivan Lejardi, Sinfonity
Vestuario: Lynn Cruz
Casa Productora: Producciones Pirámide (Cuba)

ELENCO: Lynn Cruz (Elena), Carlos Gronlier (David), Hector Noás (Tomás), Mariana Alom (Diana), Fernando Pérez (Fernando), Aramis Delgado (Roalndo Chile), Eric Morales (Kolran), Gabriela Ramos (Sofía), Jeff Pucillo (Nicholas Fredersen), Félix Beaton (Agente), Eduardo Martínez (Osvaldo) y Camila Carballo (hermana de Korlan)

Festivales y premios

  • Mención Especial del Jurado. Latino & Iberian Film Festival at Yale, EUA 2022
  • Diploma por La Audacia de la Idea. Minsk International Film Festival LISTAPAD. Bielorrusia 2021
  • Premio Jorge Cámara. HFPA (Hollywood Foreign Press Association). Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara. 2021
  • Premiere Mundial. Selección Oficial.43 Festival Internacional de Moscú 2021
  • Market Premiere. Pre-Cannes Screenings 2021

Ver todos los festivales en los que la película participó


Em uma realidade alternative, Fidel Castro usa a engenharia genética para construir o novo homem e salvar a utopia. O experimento falha porque esses seres são altamente inteligentes, mas também cruéis e incontroláveis. Rejeitado por seus próprios criadores, um grupo organiza uma série de ações terroristas, e o caos reina na ilha. Elena, um de seus membros mais antigos, descobre a origem de seus genes e inicia uma jornada para tentar descobrir sua humanidade.

Ficha técnica

Título Original: Corazón Azul
Título Internacional: Blue Heart
Idioma original: Español e inglés
Escrita e dirigida por: Miguel Coyula
Producida por: Miguel Coyula & Lynn Cruz
Direção de Fotografia: Miguel Coyula
Edição: Miguel Coyula
Música original: Dika Chartoff, “Porno Para Ricardo”, Ivan Lejardi, Sinfonity
Figurino: Lynn Cruz
Casa Produtora: Producciones Pirámide (Cuba)

ELENCO: Lynn Cruz (Elena), Carlos Gronlier (David), Hector Noás (Tomás), Mariana Alom (Diana), Fernando Pérez (Fernando), Aramis Delgado (Roalndo Chile), Eric Morales (Kolran), Gabriela Ramos (Sofía), Jeff Pucillo (Nicholas Fredersen), Félix Beaton (Agente), Eduardo Martínez (Osvaldo) y Camila Carballo (irmã de Korlan)

Festivais e prêmios

  • Menção Especial do Júri. Latino & Iberian Film Festival at Yale, EUA 2022
  • Diploma pela Audacia da Ideia. Minsk International Film Festival LISTAPAD. Belarus 2021
  • Premiere Mundial. Seleção Oficial. 43 Festival Internacional de Moscou 2021
  • Market Premiere. Pre-Cannes Screenings 2021
  • Prêmio Jorge Cámara. HFPA (Hollywood Foreign Press Association). Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara. 2021

Conferir todos os festivais nos que o filme já participou.

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Press reviews

“Miguel Coyula is an uncompromising avantgarde filmmaker, a wonderful “enfant terrible” of sorts in the world of Cuban cinema. A definitive auteur – a one-man band, he is a director, screenwriter, cinematographer, editor and composer (he plays all these roles in “Blue Heart” too).” [Full Review in Russian & English]

Olga Artemyeva. MIFF Daily #5

“A hooligan film, the most transgressive and irreverent of the festival” [Full Article]


“A complex, cryptic, compelling film…Miguel Coyula has emerged as the enfant terrible of Cuban independent cinema whose films have screened at MoMA (Nobody) and Sundance (Memories of Overdevelopment) and are watched underground in Cuba…Blue Heart, his new film, bristles with fierce, feral rage over what has gone wrong with the Cuban revolution. Crowdfunded, it took eight years to complete, with Coyula working as scriptwriter, director, editor, actor, cinematographer, sound designer and music composer…Coyula’s main appeal is to cinephiles and those who seek a more demanding cinematic experience.” [Full Review]

Patricia Boero for THE FILM VERDICT

“Blue Heart is a Maoist conspiracy hidden in a Japanese manga wrapped in sheets of GRANMA … Lynn Cruz is the Linda Blair of Coyula; he blasphemes before the altar of the one-party system, and Lynn, who has been summoned to channel the sensuality of the sacrilegious, serves as a vehicle for blasphemy.” [Full Review in Spanish]

Néstor Díaz de Villegas for HYPERMEDIA MAGAZINE

“The politically dissident, formally innovative filmmaker has single-minded created a series of short films and features, mixing live action and animation, that aim to challenge viewers. The Cuban government’s surveillance of him seems to prove his success in that regard.” [Full Review]


“Considered the most restless and experimental of the competitors in Moscow’s official feature competition, the film represents Havana from a dystopian lens, with elements sci-fi and a philosophical pepper worthy of a horror film à la George A. Romero…it has something of George Lucas’ “THX 1138” (1971), but framed by Latin adversities.” [Full Review in Portuguese]

Rodrigo Fonseca. C7NEMA

“Although it is a film of rebellion and political explicitness, Blue heart is not an agitprop work, but rather the emaciated, and even tragically romantic at times, chronicle of a failure … a non-humorous political satire woven into key science fiction biopunk. To its distinctive dystopian, nihilistic and ethical – essentially political – overtones, some Cronengberian body horror elements (The Brood, Scanners) are added. Also, we can discover hints of older legacies in the style of Tod Browning’s Freaks (1932).” [Full Review in Spanish]

Antonio Enrique Gonzáles Rojas. RIALTA MAGAZINE

“Miguel Coyula has successfully accomplished, once again, a risky creative adventure … a retro-futuristic reflection on the contemporary state of his country…within a narrative resolved under the perspective of a comic.” [Full Review in Spanish]


+ Press clippings